
Write for Us

How to Become a Guest Blogger on our Site

Are you interested in becoming a guest blogger? is looking for guest bloggers to contribute to our site. Expert writers have given a chance to write for us. We allow you to share your opinions, advice, and knowledge with audiences on our blog. Feel free to apply. Increase the visibility of your brand by coming out as an expert in your niche.

We focus on giving our readers quality content which they can enjoy. It’ll be our honor to have you share your experiences through an excellent article. As the Author of the post, we will give you full credit. It is great for your portfolio.

Read our guidelines below to have a clue of the entire process of how you can submit a guest post.

Who Can Submit an Article?

Anyone can write for us, except spammers. If you are a beginner, don’t shy off. We all start from somewhere. We have a team of editors that go through the posts before publishing. Writers with unique ideas must be welcomed to share with us. They only need to create an outline first. It will help gauge whether our audience will like the topic or not. We provide additional support throughout your writing. We’ll help to polish your work. If you aspire to be an expert writer, we offer the best platform to begin.

What kind of articles do we publish?

Now, that you have gone through the stated guidelines, here’s how you can submit your post.

The internet is a place to study and learn or carry out research. We publish any suitable content for the web. If you have been working in the web industry for a while, you stand a better chance. Take note these guidelines when you write for us:


Provide a guide that walks readers through the process of doing a project.

Web-related articles

Browse through our pages to have a clue of the niche that we specialize in (Travel Destinations, Things to Do, Food, Travel Tips, Budget Trip, Adventure, Solo Travel, Honeymoon Travel and Pilgrimage Travel)


Those with a strong opinion concerning our industry and proof to support it, feel free. We love writers with a strong point of view.

Ultimate Guides

Provide a great reference piece that readers will return to time after time.

Case Studies

What did you or your company learns from a particular project? Your case study should focus on practical examples that will be necessary for other people.

Engaging Content

Write content that’s relevant to the audience. Provide great content that keeps readers hooked. It should be a well-researched precious piece, with backed up details.

Custom keywords

Submitted posts should have at least a keyword placed several times in the article.


Read and edit your work. Submitted work should not have any grammatical errors.


It should be easy to read. Include bullets and use simple language when writing your article.


Before submitting your article, make sure it has a minimum of 2000 words. Don’t spin words to increase the word count.


Submit unpublished work. Do not copy from other articles and claim them as your own. If someone’s work influences your writing, be modest enough to give them credit.

Adding Images/Videos

Use images that do not require any attributions. Remember to include a reference link.

Copyright Issues

Your post becomes the ownership of, once it’s published. Don’t publish it on other sites once we have published it.

Respond to readers

Expect some comments from readers. It will be your duty to answer any queries related to your article in the comments section. By interacting with your readers, you’ll get more followers on your guest post.

Author’s info

Provide us some bio in just a few sentences. We’ll require your photo and the link to your site’s home page, or your email address.

By submitting your article, it shows that you concur with our guidelines.

What Do We Not Publish?

Intermediaries who submit applications for other writers have not welcomed. Interested parties need to contact us directly. Give your CEO this guide if he or she wants to work with us.

Secondly, our company does not accept self-promotional posts or those with marketing links. Do not market your products/ brand. Any posts with links to your products will be rejected.

Sponsored Posts

We have sponsored post options for companies that would like to increase their visibility while sponsoring great content. It is not a way to post an advert. It is a way for you to put your name to some excellent content. You can reach us for more discussion about this.

Who Are Our Audiences?

The Yatravelo audience includes professional web designers, developers, and other people involved in developing websites and online businesses.

Beginners are required to research and familiarize themselves with our theme. They should also know how we write our articles to appeal to our audience. Our writing guides and tips will help them with this.

What will we ask of you?

Once we give you the go-ahead to write for us, we’ll expect you to:

  • Write an Original piece for Yatravelo.
  • Agree to work with the assigned editor. Be open to their feedback.
  • Establish a timeline for submitting the work.
  • Commit to our publishing policy.

What Will Yatravelo do for you?

  • We edit articles to ensure that they comply.
  • We will promote your work on social media platforms.

As a writer, you will have a full guide to our writing process here. We love helping our authors and giving them all the support needed to become better writers.

How to Pitch to Us?

First, send us an outline of what you intend to write. We can help you refine your shape so that your final piece is acceptable. Read details about pitching, and why we ask for a framework in this article.

Here’s how you can submit a guest post and make sure to include the following:

  • What is the level of experience needed, and who is the target audience for the article?
  • How will it be of benefit to readers?
  • Give reasons why you are best suited to write the post. Details of your expertise and links to other writing should be included.
  • Outline. Each Outline should have 200-300 words, a title, and brief info of what you will cover in every section.
  • Once approved, you can send your full post with your images/videos.
  • After going through some revisions, we’ll publish it within a month.
  • Don’t feel shy to share your blog post on your networks.

Do a complete search on to avoid submitting duplicate posts. If you have a guest post and submit it to us, kindly adhere to these instructions:

  • Send an email to
  • Subject: Guest posting at Yatravelo
  • Body: Please mention the title suggestions and Outline.
  • If there will be any backlink to a website, let us know.
  • If your idea is approved, we’ll create a guest author account for you & you can submit the post from the Yatravelo dashboard.

For any guest post queries, you can contact us at We will appreciate your efforts in joining our team.